Monday, May 23, 2011

Ready for Kenya 2011

The Kenya mission team for 2011 was annointed with blessed healing oil and prayed over tonight at a consectation service by the Senior Associate Pastor of Sugar Hill UMC, Rev. Marylane Brooks and the Healing Rooms At Sugar Hill team. Nine members of the team were present and received the blessing: Angel Johnson, Tom Wilson, Donna Wilson, Pam Smith, Cynthia George, Joan Cason, Lisa Stamper, Sheila Williams, and Dr. Bill Williams.

Transformed By Grace and Love is the theme of our mission this year and we will be ministering God's love to those whose hearts have been broken. We enlist your support for intercessory prayer as we embark on this mission in the coming days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kubadilishwa kwa Neema na Upendo which says in Swahili Transformed by Grace and Love.Please pray for the KMO team as they go forth and minister to the Kenyan people.