Andy Velo headlined a fundraising effort to raise money for Kenya Medical Outreach mission team going to Kenya in May of this year. Twentytwo friends, neighbors and family were in attendance at the home of Dr. and Mrs Bill Williams of Suwanee, GA as Andy told the group about his vision for his rising country rock music career, his plans to go with KMO to Africa this summer and be their director of music and song leader as well as helping in the dental and medical teams.
Anyone wishing to assist this year's team can donate at the web site, Previewed at the session were the first film documentary by Tyler Williams and Chase Andrews and Andy Velo's hot off the press promotional video starring him and his band.
Tyler and Chase will be completing six or seven 5-8 minute video segments featuring the Kenya lumminaries they interviewed, the KMO projects that have been our focus over the past ten years, and the towns, cities, villages and regions they visited while there in Feburary 2010. Stay tuned for more exciting info about the long video...a documentary on Kenya Medical Outreach, 2010.